
Study Tips.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Hey guys,

So I am in the middle of assessment season at University and even though I should be doing work, I am taking a much needed break to do something else for a little while. So here are some of my personal favourite study tactics for when I have work to be done.

1. Pace yourself. 
I find it useful to have working periods. So study or work on something for a certain amount of time(i.e 30 minutes), then reward yourself with a break(i.e equal or less amount of time). I find that this keeps me motivated and helps me concentrate whilst I am doing work.

2. Take notes.
Take a ton of notes, especially if you need them for a future assessment or essay. Taking notes is the best way to remember what you are learning and a good way to track things later down the line.

3. Break fun.
When you take you breaks do something that has nothing to do with your work. It will keep you concentrating on your work when you get back to it, and will also help you not overthink it when you are on your break.

4. Don't give up.
Try not to give up in the middle of things. If you start not finishing things you may form a habit of doing so. Even when things get hard try not to drop what you are doing and leave it alone. It will be much more satisfying when you finish, opposed to when you leave it uncompleted.

5. Highlight the crap out of stuff.
I am a crazy person with a highlighters and notes. I don't know what it is, but I cant help myself when it comes to highlighting this. It's a good way to remember things and also a good way to find important things when you are studying later on.

6. Keep organised.
Organising you stuff makes things easier to find latter on down the track. Keep things order and in a system that will help you find what you need faster.

xx Kat

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