
Just a small update.

Sunday 28 February 2016

It has been a while I know. I have many excuses that I could make for my being away, but the reality is I was just out living life, working and enjoying my holidays.

Now the summer is almost over and I am heading back to uni, for my last year. I will be doing things and having fun. I will be trying hard to complete my work and finally finish my studies. 

So here is a little update just to get us started again.

I have spent the summer months working away. It is practically all I did on my holidays, which is kind of what I wanted to do, and on my days off all I did was sleep and be lazy. I got to spend my days with dogs and animals, just being comfortable and at peace with life.

I took chances in life and did things that I had wanted to do for a while, like dyeing my hair. 

I spent time with people who made me happy and made friends with new people.

It has just been a pleasant summer. 

I hope everyone is well. And I hope to see you all soon.

xx Kat