
Sometimes I wish life would just slow down.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Welcome to one of possibly many late night ramble posts from me this month. This going to be a stream of consciousness type of thing.

Right now I haven't had anytime today to plan a post, what with being sick and the mountain of uni work that constantly sits in the corner, nagging at me that it needs to be finished.

So this is what leads me to today ramble. How I wish that time would slow down.

I almost feel like there isn't enough hours in the day for me to finish all of the work that I have planned for the day. Like the list magically grows, without me adding anything to it. I feel like time just flies by, and then I realise that I have only put a tiny dent in any to-do list.

If time could slow down I would be able to enjoy the small moments and appreciate the little things. I would be able to finish any work I have to a satisfactory level and not have to stress out about running out of time.

If time could slow down I would be able to get over this flu, without making it worse by not resting and constantly being on the go.

I currently have no time to rest, and yet procrastination is my best form of avoiding any work I have to complete. Like time and my mind are battling for my sanity and the part of me that doesn't want to do any work at all is winning. Slowly.

Life is just a series of moments, and those moments slip away faster that you sometimes wish.

So that was just one late night ramble thought that has been on my mind lately.

Whilst blogging is currently a form of procrastination, it's not one I'm mad about.

xx Kat

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