
September rewind 2014.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Hey guys,
It's hard to believe that September is nearly over. This year feels as if it's flown past, and I'm not quite ready for it to end yet. This ones going to be short today as I haven't much to talk about.

Not much happened in September, mainly because I have been super busy with uni work and assignments. But I have also been taking time to enjoy the little things and getting outside into the fresh air, especially since it is finally warming up in Melbourne.

I also have no photos to share as, once again, I haven't really done much outside of uni. And nothing super exciting has been going on.

Next week is my uni hell week as I have four assignments due next week, but then things will calm down and I can do more fun things.

xx Kat

Sick day

Sunday 21 September 2014

Hey guys,
So I have been sick for the past few days, which totally sucks, but I thought I would share with you guys what I do when I am sick.

I like to spend the day in bed with my laptop, a notebook and pens, and some things to read. And I make sure to get comfortable, because being sick is no fun, so why not be comfy.

I also drink a large amount of tea and wear the warmest, comfiest clothes I can find. Whilst writing this I am drinking peppermint tea because its one of my favourites. 

I hope you guys are all well and not feeling like you have been hit like a bus, like I did yesterday. And if you are sick, I hope you get better soon.

xx Kat

September Update 2014.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Hey guys,
So September marks the last full month of my first year of university, which is super exciting. It also means that it is officially spring in Australia, although I think someone should tell Melbourne that because it's still super cold here somedays. And it also means that soon it will be summer, which I can't wait for. So I thought I would just do a few small updates on things.

1. Things will be getting busy for me over the next few months as I have 7 assignments left to finish off before I can truly be on holidays. Which is not something I will be looking forward to doing. I hate assignments.

2. With my soon to be found freedom in fourish weeks time I will be able to get out more and do some fun and adventurous things around Melbourne, which I haven't been able to do yet. Which I plan to post about when I can.

3. I plan on introducing a few new blog series on here. Which will hopefully start in October and will include things like my monthly favourites and maybe a monthly book club or something, in which I share my favourite things and books or whatever. I will also be continuing the 50 faces project when I get home to Sydney in November.

4. More free time means more adventures and blog posts, so once all my work is finished for the year I should hopefully be blogging a bit more.

5. Summers coming up so I hope to have some fun adventures plan to share with you guys. I just need to figure out what they will be.

6. October will also be a month of relaxation for me as once my assignments are finished I will need a little bit of down time to relax and chill out a bit so that should be fun.

I hope you are all having a wonderful day,
xx Kat