
Just a small update.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Hey guys,
So I thought I would post up a small post about whats happening and my future plans for my blog. Some things that will be happening over the next few weeks/months.

So I am back at uni and things are surely going to pick up and be all crazy again, but I will hopefully take some time off and blog a little bit as a form of relaxation, or really procrastination, whilst I am studying.

I also hope to start up a blog series called the 50 faces project. An idea I got off a friend of mine, in which I will share with you 50 people who are important in my life. This my take a few years to accomplish, but I hope that I becomes a continuous thing.

I also hope to include more variety of posts. Which really means lets see what I feel like posting about, anything I feel worthy to write about I will. I want to share more content with you guys and delve a little bit more into what makes me tick, and the things that I enjoy in my everyday life. I want to share more with you guys.

Hopefully I won't get lazy again and will actually keep up with my new way at looking at things. I will need to get a little more organised, but I do promise more content coming your way. 

xx Kat

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