
Change it up for 2014.

Monday 13 January 2014

Hey guys,
So we are a good two weeks into 2014 and I thought I would write about change. I know that recently I have felt like I have been going through the same motions since I left high school three years ago, and I fell that 2014 is going to be a big year of change. Whilst almost every year my new years resolution has been to make the year ahead different, I think is well past time to actually do something about the subject. 

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I think that I have always perceived change as a bad thing. And I know I am not the only person who does the exact same thing. But a lot of the time it is viewed as something that you should approach slowly and with caution, or sometimes, not even at all. But now that I am finally getting used to the fact that the world isn't easy, I am beginning to realise that change may not be as bad as I always thought. 

Change can come in many forms, whether it's changing your hair, or moving to a new place, it always lies around the corner. you just have to make the choice that leads to the change. That leads to a new place for you to inhabit. It starts with dreams and ideas, that you just have to be willing enough to follow.

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So 2014 should be the year you make a change for yourself. Say yes to more things, do stuff you would normal avoid, explore the world more (it can be a fairly fascinating place) and find a sense of adventure.

So now that 2014 is here, I will be making changes. Some will be big and some will be smaller. And I encourage everyone to do the same. Don't let life get repetitive, mix it up a little.

I hope that I get to share my changes with you all. 
xx Kat

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