
Take a leap.

Monday 27 January 2014

Hey guys,
So today I wanted to talk about taking a leap, doing something that you never thought you would or could, or something that others told you you would never be able to do. I want to talk about this mainly because it is a major point in my life right now, this is happening to me and it is happening soon.

Taking a leap of faith. Doing something for yourself that is beyond what you had been dreaming for yourself in the past. 

So why the decision to write about this subject today. Well in just under a month I will be taking a leap. Changing my life and what may happen in my future. Making one of the biggest changes I have ever made for myself, and I never thought I would be something of this size.

Not only am I officially moving out of home(semi permanently), but I will be moving to another state. A huge leap, considering I never thought I would be out of home just yet. Whilst I will still technically be living in Sydney, as that is currently my permanent address, I will be living in Melbourne for nine months of the year.

Why is this?
Because I will be going to University in Melbourne. Which is also another thing I never thought I would be doing.

When I left school university wasn't really something I considered seriously. I didn't think I would ever go, or at least be able to go through another 3 years of serious education. But the time has come and I have changed my perspective on the whole idea, and am actually extremely excited to venture into this next chapter of my life.

So over the next month I will be crazy busy, preparing for my leap. 

I will be organising my home life so that when I am here on holidays, it will be clean and in order. And I will also be preparing like crazy to go back to school. 

My moving nerves are already settling in, even though I still have a couple of weeks till I have to be down there.

So my advice to you is take that leap, you never know what you might come across if you make a crazy change to your life. Don't listen to those who put you down, and just go for it. Sometimes you might be surprised by the outcome. Good things might happen, you never know until you try.

That's all for today, I hope you are all having a good day and a great week,
xx Kat

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